Dongfang Yufei Longyin

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They were relieved. Grandfather Qian was busy leading the way. Before he reached the bath, he was anxious to order the attendants to prepare the things for bathing, and then quickly withdrew.

Body side, left arm swing, five fingers suddenly open, facing the palm wind hit out! He actually gave up his sword and met the enemy with a single palm. The ladle turned pale with fright and cried in the dark, "Oh!" But this corridor is not spacious, Zhao Nanheng block in front, is to wait for the hand, can not get involved! Luo Changqing, nicknamed Ben Leishou, was so fierce in the palm of his hand that when he saw Zhao Nanheng greeting him with a single palm, he said to himself, "This!" The boy really wants to die. But his mind just moved, suddenly felt wrong, the other side shook his arm, immediately conjured up a finger shadow, carrying a trace of light roar. Break the air raid to, the strength of the strong, almost break through their own palm wind! This time, Luo Changqing was so surprised that he changed his color. He thought, I didn't expect this young boy to have such martial arts, especially This fingering is the only thing I have ever seen in my life! Although he did not know "Qianfu fingering", he knew that all fingering skills had amazing power, and he felt that the wind broke through the air raid and could not help it. Heiran laughed angrily and said, "Good boy, I can't see that you still have something to say!" The robe flutters and the left hand claps two hands at the same time. Zhao Nanheng in this moment, has already returned the sword into the box, between the upper body pitch, scattered finger shadow, yuanyuan shot. Luo Changqing's skill is deep, splitting out the power of the palm, and all the strength of masculinity,shuttle rack system, in an instant, the wind of the palm whistled, and the strength of the lane surged. It seems that the way of castration is extremely fierce, but it can't force Zhao Nanheng to take a step back. As a famous player in Wudang, I could hardly believe that Emei's disciples could train such a young master? In particular, the Emei Sect is famous in Wulin for its tiger palm and swordsmanship, and has never heard of being good at fingering? How did he know that this set of fingering by Zhao Nanheng was a collection of the essence of the four schools of martial arts by the former leaders of the four schools. The "Thousand Buddha Finger" was created by a famous craftsman who carefully carved the martial arts on the Green Jade Golden Lotus Thousand Hands Tathagata! At the moment, Zhao Nanheng and Luo Changqing had fought to more than ten, and the long and narrow valley road was sealed by the two men. Live. At the beginning, Luo Changqing only felt that his opponent was not very old and his martial arts were not weak, so he could not feel anything, but he fought fiercely for more than ten rounds. Later,heavy duty rack manufacturers, Zhao Nanheng gradually let go of the attack, finger force is also getting stronger and stronger, he has the potential to draw by comparison, the heart can not help but be shocked. In order to protect himself, he had to fight back. Thought to himself: With his reputation as a thunder runner, if he can't even clean up a disciple of Wudang Sect, even if he comes out of Jianghu Fall home! Turn your mind, and immediately move your palms with all your strength. After decades of intensive practice of internal skills, concentrate on your palms. Every move and style contains strong meaning. Peerless internal force, as expected, the palm potential is great! Zhao Nanheng is not very experienced against the enemy, and the pressure on the other side's palms has increased greatly, and in each palm, there seems to be a thousand catties of God. Force, secretly surprised in the heart, one side to gather True Qi, a set of fingering, repeated use, the door sealed very precisely. Luo Changqing already hit the true fire, the mouth does not stop Hei Hei Yin smile, only concentrates all the spirit in the double palm above, drive in racking system ,industrial racking systems, the other side is more defensive. The defense is tight, but his power is more and more fierce, and his power is stronger and stronger. Zhao Nanheng and support seven or eight face to face, gradually feel exhausted, the circle also followed to narrow. In the middle of the two men, there was a close distance between them before, and they hit each other in the distance. Zhao Nanheng narrowed the circle, and Luo Changqing deceived himself. Straight up, became a hand-to-hand combat. You should know that in such a narrow valley, because of the limitation of the terrain, the posture of jumping and dodging is greatly bound, and the style changes. Change, but also subject to many restrictions. Previously two people are far apart, distant shot, each with internal strength, but also don't feel what, this close fight, Zhao Nan Heng took advantage. Because his set of "Qianfu fingering" was passed down from Zhai Tiancheng, his father Zhai Di, who was carving green jade in those days. The famous craftsman of the Golden Lotus Thousand Hands Tathagata. Although the fingering was secretly remembered by him seven or eight out of ten, but can not see the body when performing fingering, so Zhao Nanheng followed Sun Da. When Niang went to Weasel Lake and Mountain by boat, because of the turbulence of the wind and waves, she realized that this set of measures was to sway with her upper body and change her body. Law, the feet do not have to move at all. But Luo Changqing is different, he is known as the running thunder hand, the palm method to open and close the palm potential to fight vertically and horizontally, at this time once close. The body fight, there is a sense of restraint! In the midst of the fierce struggle, Luo Changqing suddenly gave a loud shout: "Take the palm of my hand!" With a wave of his long arm, he went straight to Zhao Nanheng's head! This palm is extremely fierce, the palm is like the pressure of Mount Tai, the general head straight down! If Zhao Nanheng did not dare to take this move, he had to retreat, because there were mountain walls on both sides, and it was difficult to give way to the left and right. Under the circumstances, he was forced to take it with his palm! At this moment, Zhao Nanheng suddenly felt a flash of inspiration in his mind, and had already set up his right arm upward, and suddenly he slanted his five fingers. Stretch, quickly and incomparably brush Luo Changqing's elbow and wrist! This is really a flash of lightning, the two figures suddenly separated, each step back. Zhao Nanheng was sweating profusely and breathing rapidly, as if he had been shaken by Luo Changqing's palm! Look at Luo Changqing again, but his face is full of anger, look at his right arm drooping, at least by Zhao Nanheng brush Zhongmai acupoint, is luck active. For a moment it was hard to tell who had won and who had lost? A ladle frowned and asked in a low voice, "Little benefactor, are you hurt?" "It doesn't matter," said Zhao Nanheng. "The younger generation is just shocked by his power. It's nothing." Luo Changqing moved his right arm a few times, gazed at Zhao Nanheng, nodded, and said, "My little brother is a master of martial arts, but Luo." The only young master I've ever met in my life, but I don't understand one thing. Can you tell me, little brother? Zhao Nanheng adjusted his breath for a while, and his Qi and blood began to flow. When he heard this, he calmed down. "I'm flattered, Manager Luo," he said with a smile. Speak, please. "Little brother," said Luo Changqing, "I just used it. It's very much like Laozi's technique of brushing the pulse of the family. The martial arts of the family are not passed on to outsiders, you. Where did you learn it? Zhao Nanheng laughed and said, "Manager Luo is really brilliant. He only used it at the bottom. It's really the technique of brushing the pulse. Where did I learn it?" Yes, it seems to have nothing to do with respect. Luo Changqing's face sank and he said angrily,push back racking system, "Old man Gan Nian once met Sun Jie, the God of Claw. Are you a descendant of Lao Tzu's family?" Man, I can still make an exception. 。
