King's Landing

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Just now, however,Ceramic Bobbin, when the thunder eagle was pouncing fruitlessly, its wings beat angrily from embarrassment, which also caused the collapse of a large area of the eaves in that direction.

Li Tao clearly remembers that his original identity should be a second-class non-commissioned officer of an airborne soldier in the 23rd century. After retirement, he studied in the Department of Physical Education and Health Care at a well-known National Medical University, which is what the media call an expert in human kinematics. And at the end of his life, as an international mercenary, he died in an accident while carrying out one of the most difficult tasks. But now he is not only alive, but also back to the age of twelve, and even the place where he lives is not the original world. In addition, it must be mentioned that he is no longer called Li Tao, but Yue Yu. It's not that he wants to change his surname to Yi Zong, but that it comes from his real name, which is only twelve years old now. As for this thing, which is extremely strange from any point of view, Li Tao himself feels strange. No matter what he thought, he couldn't figure out why he, a seven-foot man of twenty-three, would wake up as a teenager of less than twelve. However, Li Tao's character has a little advantage, that is, it is impossible to figure out things, not to waste energy. Or the explosion of the miniature nuclear bomb caused a large-scale sympathetic explosion of the nuclear bomb, and the accumulated energy eventually opened the wormhole in time and space. Or maybe the Buddha,3500mg Ozone ceramic Plate, God, did not know which God, saw him and caught his soul here. Anyway, who knows what the reason is. And even if he did, it would be of no benefit to his present situation. Feather, after you go there, you have to listen to the teachers, do you know? Anyway,cordierite c520, if you don't practice until noon, you're not allowed to come back! As he spoke, Yue Zhang walked up to Li Tao and carefully arranged his belt, showing his concern and love for his children. This made Yue Yu, that is, Li Tao's pupils shrink slightly, and he gave a reluctant hum in his mouth. Although the heart of this woman's words are very disapproving, also did not really take the other side as his mother, but Yue Yu to this Yue Zhang's words, is unable to refuse. This is not from this body, the feelings of Yue Zhang. In fact, when Yue Yu woke up, all the memories and feelings of the body had disappeared. The real reason was that Yue Zhang's love for him touched the string in the deepest part of Yue Yu's heart. He could not help but overlap this woman, who was not a few years older than his real age, with the image of his mother in his previous life. As he walked out of the gate, ceramic bobbin heater core ,ceramic igniter electrodes, Ran Li picked up a big axe like a door plank, and Yue Yu himself. He also took a long sword from the servant, which was out of proportion to his present height. But no way, here because of special reasons, even a little girl will wear a weapon to go out. But as soon as he went to the street, Ran Li's eyes, which had been somewhat silly, showed a clever and alert look. His whole body was as sensitive as a monkey, and he shuttled through the streets with Yue Yu, like a giant axe weighing 120 catties, which was no burden to him. And Yue Yu himself, is also as far as possible to follow the footsteps of Ran Li, to avoid those open places. Suddenly there was a roar of wind in the sky behind him, and Yue Yu subconsciously hid in the eaves on the side of the street. In this small town named Yuejiacheng, although most of the buildings are similar to the green brick houses in ancient China in his world. But the eaves on both sides are specially wide enough to accommodate dozens of people standing under them. With Yue Yu's small body now, it is more than enough to hide below. But as soon as he had hidden it, he saw that Ran Li had pulled out the great axe and stood in front of him. This made Yue Yu's heart a little wider, and then his line of sight crossed Ran Li's broad figure and threw it into the street outside. With a gust of wind, a dark shadow about ten feet wide flew across the street, then rose rapidly not far away and spread its wings to the sky. Yue Yu's eyebrows suddenly raised, his eyesight was limited, but it could be discerned that it was a dark feather thunder eagle that was not yet fully adult. This monster likes to hunt at night, and they all have a pair of eyes that can accurately detect moving objects on the ground at a height of three kilometers at night. And the all-black feathers allow them to hover at a height of 1000 meters at night without being detected. The huge claws, which can be embraced by two people, are easily grasped by both people and animals. Legend has it that when this creature grows to a certain age, it can also master the power of thunder, which is one of the most troublesome monsters for human beings. But the hungry little guy probably didn't know how dangerous it was to hunt in this area. Yueyu stood on the edge of the eaves and carefully poked his head out, watching the dark feather thunder eagle climb rapidly into the sky. Then suddenly, I heard several screams, several sharp arrows in several directions penetrated the night sky, and nailed the thunder eagle with unusual precision. Then Yue Yu heard a whine, and the dark feather thunder eagle fell askew in the direction of the city, and saw that he could not live. Hey, hey! Young master, maybe you can get some eagle meat to eat today. Seeing the danger lifted, Ran Li put the axe behind him again, then licked his lips with his tongue and looked greedily in the direction of the dark feather thunder eagle. It was not until he saw Yue Yu dealing with the dust on his body that he seemed to remember something. He was so clumsy that he stretched out his giant palm like a cattail leaf fan and beat it on Yue Yu. But not two times, let Yue Yu can not help grinning. The little fellow is a complete ignoramus. The movement seemed gentle, but the tremendous force made his bones almost fall apart. This makes Yue Yu a burst of sadness, his previous life, anyhow also was once a few strong men in the army, a punch can blow up the most advanced force meter figure, and then to this world, the body suddenly became so weak? Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a light in the window of the tile-roofed house behind him. Yue Yu hurriedly took Ran Li's hand and ran far ahead. The dark feather thunder eagle's wisdom is disproportionate to its strength, as long as it can avoid its line of sight, this creature is basically helpless to human beings. Just now, however,Ceramic Bobbin, when the thunder eagle was pouncing fruitlessly, its wings beat angrily from embarrassment, which also caused the collapse of a large area of the eaves in that direction.
