wholesale Protein Powderwholesale Protein Powder

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wholesale Protein Powderwholesale Protein Powder

wholesale Protein Powder Introduction Pea protein powder 85% is a high-quality protein extracted from peas using advanced technology and low temperature and low pressure technology. Pea protein contains eight amino acids necessary for the human body and belongs to full-price protein. Pea protein powder is a protein obtained from lentils using advanced technology. Pea protein contains all the essential carbohydrates for the body and belongs to the full-fare protein. Protein is the material condition of life and the three major components of the body. Deficiency of protein can lead to delayed growth and language development, decreased immunity, loose skin and premature decline. Lentils belong to legumes, and lentils contain a variety of nutrients that the body needs, especially with high-quality protein. And legumes have no cholesterol, which is better than animal protein. So, how does lentil protein powder work? Pea protein powder is a protein powder obtained from lentils. Pea protein powder contains high-quality protein and 18 kinds of carbohydrates that our body needs. The key benefits and effects of pea protein powder depend on being able to replenish our body with carbohydrates and boost our immunity. The general term that can promote collagen powder has the effect of beauty and wrinkle removal, and it can adjust our gastrointestinal tract and have health benefits. Pea protein powder has many benefits for our body. Pea protein powder is suitable for all people to take. Pea protein powder is a commodity that is easily digested and absorbed. Therefore, we can take more pea protein powder. Every group of people takes pea protein powder. different functions and effects. Certificate of Analysis ItemSpecificationTest result Pea Protein Powder85%85.20% Physical Control AppearanceYellow Fine PowderConforms OdorCharacteristicConforms TasteCharacteristicConforms Part UsedSeedsConforms IdentificationPositiveConforms(TLC) Loss on Drying鈮?.0%1.1% Ash鈮?.0%1.0% Particle size100% pass 80 meshConforms Chemical Control Heavy MetalsNMT10ppmConforms Lead(Pb)NMT2ppmConforms Arsenic (As)NMT2ppmConforms Mercury(Hg)NMT1ppmConforms Cadmium(Cd)NMT1ppmConforms GMO StatusGMO FreeConforms Microbiological Control Total Plate Count10,000cfu/g MaxConforms Yeast Mold1000cfu/g MaxConforms E.ColiNegativeNegative SalmonellaNegativeNegative Pea protein powder Flow Chart Function 1. Enhance immunity The protein content in pea flour is very rich. After the user eats such nutrients, the waste in the body can be smoothly excreted from the body, so that the body's immunity can be greatly enhanced. There is a problem of low immunity. In this case, you can try to use pea protein powder to help yourself and adjust your immunity. 2. Reduce the three highs The choline substances in pea protein powder are very rich, and users can improve the existing three high problems after use. Therefore, if there are abnormal conditions such as high blood pressure or high blood lipids, pea protein powder can be used correctly to help self, so that the abnormal situation of the three highs in oneself can be adjusted accordingly. 3. Improve insomnia and dreaminess Some people may not sleep well enough due to stress or other reasons, and often experience abnormal situations such as being unable to fall asleep or having too many dreams while sleeping. Once such an abnormal situation occurs, it will inevitably affect their own health. In this case, youcan also use pea protein powder correctly to help yourself, so that your insomnia and dreaminesscan be improved accordingly. 4. Peas are allergen-free The eight major food allergens include milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, wheat,peanuts and soy. These eight food groups or extended foods account for 90% of food allergies. Peas are not classified as a food allergen, which is recognized internationally. 5. Pea protein is estrogen-free Soybean products contain soy isoflavones, which are a kind of estrogen and affect hormonesecretion, metabolic biological activity, growth activity factors, etc. It is a product that is goodfor women. Not suitable for male compatriots, especially not suitable for young people to eat.Peas do not contain such hormones, which are suitable for a wide range of people and help teenagers to supplement protein without affecting their development. 6. Pea Protein Can Build Muscle Pea protein powder 85% is rich in essential branched-chain amino acids (valine, isoleucine, and leucine) that play an important role in muscle protein synthesis. Amino acids start to build up in the muscle mass in the ensuing hours of training, especially with weight training. Pea protein intake may maximize muscle mass gains, comparable to whey protein. 7. Pea Protein is Cholesterol Free Cholesterol is also called cholesterol. Cholesterol is widely present in animals. High cholesterol can lead to arteriosclerosis, hemodynamic changes, etc., which can increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Pea protein is a vegetable protein, contains no cholesterol, and is low in fat, which is beneficial to human health. Application 1. For Beverage area: It can use in beverage area. 2. For food area: Pea protein powder 85% can be added as a nutritional fortifier to grain foods, such as bread, cakes, dried noodles, and nutritious rice noodles, and can also be added to western-style meat products such as ham and red sausage as a meat substitute. ABOUT US Company Information Certificateswholesale Protein Powder website:http://www.greenherbbt.com/protein-powder/
