The man always has an idea about me [wear it quickly] bl

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The man always has an idea about me [wear it quickly] bl

"You have a boyfriend now. Why do you still have such a good relationship with her? The distance should be appropriate." Lin Xu: ".." The distance is very appropriate. Didn't you come to Gu Zhe for so long before you made a phone call? Of course I'm going with you. Gu Zhe finally said. They had dinner and were going to bed. It's a spring night. 123 looked at the mosaic below and sighed. [If only there were no mosaic, ah ~] It sighed sadly. Lin Xu's attention was pulled away by the ghostly voice of 123. [Can you be sensible at this time?] Host's voice is very angry, 123: [.. Then I won't talk, and you can continue. "You're not paying attention." Gu Zhe bit his lip and moved his hand slowly to suggest friction. It was a spring night.. Time flashed by, and soon it was time for several people to go to the countryside. Gu Zhe is the driver, and Lin Xu is watching the scenery in the co-driver's seat. There's a fork in the road ahead. Turn right. The voice of Zhang Yumo came from the back seat. It will take about 40 minutes to get there after this fork. At this time, a large truck appeared on the opposite side, suddenly accelerated and rushed straight. Gu Zhe's pupils shrank and he slammed the steering wheel. With a sudden shake of the car body, Lin Xu fell uncontrollably to the right, and his body reflexively overflowed a Reiki shield to protect the car. The fierce friction between the tire and the ground was harsh, and the car almost avoided the truck, and the tire stuck in the drainage ditch near the inside and stopped. But the big truck rushed out and fell into a shallow river on the side of the highway. Lin Xu exhaled, how can there be a car accident, that car is intentional at first sight. Are you all right, Lin Xu? Gu Zhe hurriedly turned to look at him. Don't worry Lin Xudao, "what about you?" Gu Zhe shook his head. I think there's something wrong with those two big trucks. Zhang Yumo made a sound,grey marble slab, "suddenly rushed over, scared to death!" When several people got out of the truck, they saw that the truck driver had just got out of the truck. He was a middle-aged man with a big belly. His forehead was black and blue, and there was blood on the corners of his mouth. They saw that several people looked panicked, and one thigh was mangled by glass. Then a black Land Rover came in the distance and stopped at the side of the road. Down came four men in black, menacing and cold-eyed. One of the leaders put his hand in his bulging trouser pocket and seemed to pull out his gun. When Gu Zhe saw a man in front of him,white marble slabs, his eyes gave him a meal. When Lin Xu was very alert, the man in black pulled out his hand from his trousers pocket and took his mobile phone. Zhang Yumo thought they were going to call the police. Lin Xu, however, did not think so. His sensitive ears heard, "None of them are dead. You can't pretend to pick up that thing." The opposite side said two words, the man in black nodded, hung up the phone and raised his hand, intending to give orders. But was interrupted by a cold voice, "Gu class, did he come back? Grandpa doesn't know yet." The black-clad leader's eyes fell on the speaker. "Why are you here, young master?" He asked in surprise. Lin Xu was also very surprised at this trend. You go back and I'll tell him about it. Gu Zhe said coldly. This The first man in black hesitated a few times before waving away with a few people. After the man in black left, Nero Marquina Marble Slab ,Calacatta Nano Glass, the three men called the police and called 120 by the way. Gu Zhe, do you know those men in black? Zhang Yumo said curiously. They were my father's bodyguards. Gu Zhe said that his father had long been possessed by the devil and had gone to the mountains to cultivate Taoism. Oh, yes. Zhang Yumo nodded, not knowing that the accident might be aimed at her. Lin Xu felt that Zhang Yumo's car accident in the plot might be directed at the summoning book in her hand. But in the plot, finally also did not say, Zhang Yumo's summon book finally has not been taken away. And a few men in black are the bodyguards of Gu Zhe's father. Maybe, in the plot, it was Gu Zhe's father who made the heroine have a car accident. Lin Xu asked Zhang Yumo, "Do you have that book with you?" "Huh?" Zhang Yumo was stupefied, and Lin Xu said it was a call book. She nodded, "I took it with me. Didn't I tell you before that there was a thief in my house? Since then, I often took it with me for fear of being stolen. If Grandpa knew that the book was lost, he would be so angry that he would climb out of the coffin." "What books are you talking about?" Gu Zhe asked. There's no book. It's just a novel that my grandfather liked very much before he died. Zhang Yumo said. Gu Zhe frowned, not quite believing, but did not ask, feeling isolated from the two. He looked at Zhang Yumo and then at Lin Xu. Lin Xu smiled at him, and the depression in his heart disappeared. The police soon arrived, along with the ambulance, to take away the drunken driver, to Lin Xu three people, because of the background of Gu Zhe, did not take away, just made a record at the scene, in fact, is to ask a few words casually. Then he helped to lift out the car with the tire stuck in the gutter before leaving. There was nothing wrong with the car, and several people did not look back and drove on. More than 40 minutes later, we arrived at our destination. See, the first floor bungalow without tiles is my old house. After Zhang Yumo got out of the car, he pointed to the low bungalow road in the distance. Although it was a flat-roofed house, there was no tile decoration outside. It looked a little old. According to my grandfather, the old house has been built for more than forty years. It is the first family in this village to build a flat-roofed house. Look at the houses around you. Are they all very new? Lin Xu nodded "um". Zhang Yumo opened the door, but he didn't expect that there was an open space in the middle. The house was a model of a quadrangle. There was a stone table, a locust tree, and an old-fashioned well in the middle of the open space. There may be a lot of dust on the stone bench. Wait for me to wipe it with something. Zhang Yu said, "It's very comfortable to sit under the tree and enjoy the cool." Lin Xu saw the locust tree at a glance, and a few words came to his mind-it can reach all realms. But the next moment, he remembered that this was an open secret of the world,Stone Honeycomb Panel, just a myth, and his excited heart was poured cold water. The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution. Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]: Mo Watermelon, 2 bottles at the end of May; 1 bottle of Peach Blossom Eyes with voice control and face control;.
